L'annuaire des entreprises VTC
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Introduction :



YGvtc is a micro-company of services of transport deprived with driver, registered in the directory of companies and establishments under N° siret 841 496 540 00011 and registered in the register of VTC under N°exploitation EVTC076180035. His siege is situated in 30 street Jean Prevost 76110 Goderville.


Object :


The present general terms of sale are concluded between:

On one hand, the YGvtc micro-company below named "the seller" or YGvtc

And on the other hand, every legal or physical entity wishing to benefit from services and services proposed by the micro-company YGvtc, below called " the customer "

Set called "the parts".

YGvtc reserves the right to modify or to adapt at any time and without advance notice the present general terms of sale, however, general terms of sale applicable to the services are the ones current at the time of the firm validation of the service or the combat duty by the customer.

The present general terms of sale define the rights and duties of the contracting parties during the sale of services and services proposed by YGvtc.

From written acceptance (e-mail, estimate or signed order form), the customer recognizes to have acquainted with the present general terms of sale and to accept them.


1 / Services :


YGvtc is a micro-company of exploitation VTC, the services and the services proposed within the framework of this activity necessarily have to be the object of a preliminary reservation.

The set of the services and the services proposed by YGvtc is available for consultation from the tab "Services" of the present site and their pricings are based on a price list which can be the object of limited appreciations without modifying the value of an estimate beforehand accepted by the customer.


1a / The pricing agreed on the services and the services commanded includes :


_ Compulsory insurances for the driver and the customers.
_ The fuel.
_ The salary of the driver.
_ The maintenance of the vehicle.
_ The route (s) and the time of provision suited by estimate.
_ The possible tolls.
_ The luggage of the customers.
_ The particular demands suited by estimate (stops/frequent necessary breaks, bend or modification of route, help the installation of the people with reduced mobility ... ).

_ The supplements suited by estimate (animals in cage, car seat, booster seat).
_ The expenses of lunch or dinner of the driver.
_ The expenses of night-accommodation and breakfast suited by estimate (long route only).
_ The waiting time before coverage(care) of the customer (within the limits of 30 mn after the hour suited for one to go or a return and of 45 mn for a coverage to a station, a bus station, a port, an airport, an aerodrome).​


1b / The pricing agreed on the services and the services commanded does not include : ( Complementary invoicing )


_ The particular demands, the supplements, the expenses of night-accommodation and breakfast not suited by estimate.
_ The entrance fees in plublics or private places.

_ The telephone or computing communications emitted or received by the customer by means of the communications tools of the vehicle or the driver, if they are provided with it.

_ The overtaking of the conditions of provision of the driver(chauffeur) such as fixed in the tab "services" of the present site.

_ The overtaking of waiting times before coverage of the customer mentioned in the paragraph "1a" present general terms of sale.



2 / Routes :


The charged routes are routes calculated by typical applications "Michelin".

The customer has to, during the reservation of the service with the seller, communicate exact addresses concerning the place of his coverage as well as his place of destination? To allow the seller to charge exactly and to optimize the conditions of the expected service.

Except contractual precision during the quotation request, the demands of changes of routes, impromptu stops or bends are banned.

The changes of routes and bends resulting from events independent from the will of the customer (works, bad weather, deflections, traffic jams ... ) Will not be the object of an additional invoicing and cannot establish a motive for contesting or for complaint.



3 / Reservations :


The reservation of a service or a performance can be made by mail (YGvtc 30 rue Jean Prevost 76110 Goderville), e-mail ( ygvtc76@gmail.com ) or via the tab "estimate / reservation" of the present site at least 24 hours prematurely of coverage wished (this deadline which can be reduced to the discretion of the seller according to its availability).

After reception of the request of reservation, an estimate of a validity of 15 days as from its date of issue, will be established by the seller and sent to the customer, by email as soon as possible.

The reservation of the performance or the service will be contractual and will be considered as firm and definitive after reception of an e-mail of confirmation of the customer specifying the number of the estimate and its acceptance by the mention " well for agreement ".



4/ Payment terms :


​The prices indicated by the seller are denominated in euro TTC.


For the private individuals :


The services or the combat duties are payable to the driver from the coverage, in cash or by bank card.
In case of refusal or of impossibility of payment from the coverage, the driver benefits from the right of cancellation of the service and an amount equivalent to 30 % of the reserved service will be due by the customer as fixed compensation.

In case of delay in payment, equal late-payment interest with 1.5 times the legal interest rate will be applied by rights and without preliminary formal demand.


For the professionals :


The invoicing can be monthly established from the copies of the invoices of the realized transport and will owe honored before the first day of the month following the realization of the service or the combat duty.

Any delay or non-payment can pull(entail) by rights:
_ The immediate payability of the sum staying due.
_ The increase of the sum owed in the form of late charge equivalent to the current legal interest rate at the time of the invoicing as well as a legal fixed 40-euro compensation. Beyond the payment time planned to the contract, or, by default stipulated in the present general terms of sale, the customer is automatically given a formal notice, without preliminary reminder.
_ The suspension of the execution of the current services and to come concluded between the parts.


5/ Cancellation :


The cancellation of the service or the combat duty and validated according to the modalities described in the paragraph 3 "reservation" of the present general terms of sale, will have to be made by mail or by e-mail at least 48 hours prematurely of planned coverage and stipulate explicitly the cancellation of the estimate by specifying the number.

In case of cancellation for a lower deadline at 48 hours prematurely of agreed coverage contractually, expenses of cancellation at the level of 30 % of the value TTC of the estimate planned and validated by the customer, will be required.



6/ Rules of edge :


YGvtc is a micro-company depending on the code of transport and forced to the traffic rules and thus owe respect and enforce the current road regulations.
Seat belt wearing is compulsory for all the places of the vehicle. The voluntary non compliance with this obligation exempts the seller of any responsibility in case of disaster.

On no account the customer has the authorization to ask to the driver to break the traffic rules or to undertake an action contrary to the regulations, the morality, the ethics or to the common decency. 
The customer has to keep a correct and decent attitude and respect the driver.

It is strictly no smoking or to consume products stunning or alcoholized aboard the vehicle.
The driver has the right to stop the execution of the performance or the service to see to refuse the access to the vehicle to every customer presenting an aggressive, disrespectful, vulgar or offensive behavior towards him/her or that of the third, in state of advanced alcohol level, apparently under the influence of narcotics or requiring specific care, in one of these eventualities in the whole wrongs of the customer, all of the service or of the combat duty and validated will remain due and must be acquitted in the next 7 days the event.

Any degradation caused by the customer, voluntarily or accidentally, in or on the vehicle, will pull a cost of repair completely chargeable to the customer.
The contribution and the consumption of food and drinks, other than those put at the disposal of the customer by the seller, are not accepted aboard the vehicle, except preliminary agreement of the driver.

No animal will be accepted aboard the safe vehicle in a cage or a hermetic packaging planned for that purpose.
Tips are neither included, nor compulsory, they are left to the judgement by the customer.
During the long routes, to guarantee his safety and that of the customers the driver will have to make breaks according to the current laws.


7/ Luggage and personal effects :


The quantity of luggage and transported personal effects are proportional in the size of the safe of the vehicle, consequently these have to hold in the back safe without questioning the safety of the passengers and the driver.
During the reservation, the customer will have to inform YGvtc about the presence of a voluminous luggage or about a weight upper to 30 kg.
Luggage does not have to present of risks of deterioration of the vehicle, any deterioration caused by the bad state of luggage will be charged to the customer.

Luggage and their contents is under the full responsibility of the safe customer on request during a time of provision of the driver.



8/ Complaint :


Any possible complaint must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt in huits days following the service disputed in the office of the micro-company YGvtc.



9/ Case of force majeure :


The responsibility of the seller cannot be called if the not execution or the delay of a service or a scheduled service ensued from a major case of strength in the sense of the article 1148 of the civil code.



10/ Completeness of general terms of sale :


In the hypothesis either one of the clauses of the present general terms of sale would be declared illegal or non-invocable by a change of legislation or by a judicial decision become definitive, a nullity or the non-opposability would be strictly limited to the aforementioned clause and will affect on no account the validity of the other conditions.



11/ Not renunciation :


The not application by the seller of any of the conditions of the present general terms of sale, does not take renunciation from him to take advantage it at any time and does not strike a blow at the validity of all or part of these conditions.



12/ Applicable law in case of disputes :


The present general terms of sale, as well as all the contractual reports which could ensue from it are subjected to the French law.

In the hypothesis where a dispute would arise between the parts, they make a commitment to look for an amicable solution, taking into account the interests of each of them before committing any legal action.
Failing that, only the French courts will be competent.

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